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Invisible Increaseby ChristiPost-Crystal Skull
The truth was that being invisible hadn’t been all bad. Sure, the novelty of the situation had worn thin after awhile, but Daniel had to admit in retrospect that there had been decided benefits to being able to see what went on behind closed doors. Like knowing for certain that yes, Teal’c really did kelno’reem that much. Or that Siler often only reported about half of his actual injuries. Or that Jack….
A smirk touched the corners of Daniel’s mouth before he could curb it, unable to do anything but relish that final, most useful piece of information. After three years of being teased and cut off and ignored by Jack, Daniel finally, finally had an advantage – leverage.
Which was why he chose his words so carefully during the debriefing – he didn’t want Jack to realize that his downfall was imminent. It wasn’t until after General Hammond had dismissed them that Daniel put his plan into effect, running to catch up to Jack as he strode down the hall.
In typical Jack fashion, Daniel was ignored as long as possible. It was only after several minutes, when it became clear that Daniel was not going to be deterred, that Jack gave in and acknowledged his presence. “Daniel.”
“Jack,” Daniel replied in the same even tone.
“Something on your mind?”
“Maybe. Did you know that while I was stuck in that parallel dimension, I could walk through walls?”
Though Jack feigned indifference, Daniel thought he detected a definite tension around Jack’s mouth and eyes. “I’m sure you probably mentioned it during that stimulating debriefing.”
His tone made Daniel feel a bit sheepish – even he had to admit that in his care not to reveal his extracurricular activities over the last few days, he might have caused the meeting to drag on even longer than usual. But then, Daniel realized that feeling sheepish was one of those things that he didn’t have to do anymore – not with the leverage. “Yes, well, my point is that for the first time, I could go anywhere. Do anything. See people when they most certainly did not see me.”
“I never figured you for a voyeur, Daniel.”
Annoyed now, Daniel glared at his friend. “I’m an anthropologist, Jack. We’re sort of the original historical voyeurs.” Although if he was completely honest, the term had nearly been too literal when he had stumbled upon Lieutenant Simmons and Nurse Bradford involved in some decidedly non-regulation activity. But he digressed. “Anyway, that’s not the point.”
“You mean, you have one?” Jack asked, sounding surprised.
“Yes,” Daniel insisted. “My point is that one of the many, many interesting things I saw was you.”
“I’m not that interesting,” Jack protested.
“I beg to differ,” Daniel replied. “After all, it’s not every day that I see you knit.”
Jack’s reaction – or lack thereof – was admittedly a bit disappointing. As far as Daniel could tell, his great revelation didn’t seem to faze Jack in the slightest. Instead, his only reply was a comfortably neutral, “Daniel, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Jack, you can’t deny it this time!” Daniel insisted. “I’m not high and delirious with fever and withdrawal. I saw you, clear as day, sitting in your quarters knitting something yellow and…well, fluffy. You knit. And now, I know.”
Jack simply continued walking down the hall in silence, allowing Daniel to continue his rambling. “What I don’t understand is how you even picked up a hobby like that. And what you would do with it. I mean, what in the world do you make? The same black beanie, over and over again?”
“Well, I imagine – and I have to imagine because I have no idea what you’re talking about – that a person could knit all sorts of useful things. Scarves. Sweaters. Socks.”
Socks. The word seemed to hang in the air between them, and suddenly Daniel was remembering a pair of golden socks that had appeared out of nowhere, making a day of misery a little less horrible. Not a lot, mind you, but enough. “Damn,” he muttered finally. “You suck the fun out of everything.”
Jack, rather than looking insulted, smirked. “And to think that’s normally your job.”
“Funny,” Daniel said dryly. “Listen, about the socks….”
“What socks?” Jack asked, honestly sounding clueless. Even Daniel had to give him credit – the man was good at feigning obliviousness. But, fine. If it was that important to him, they could just not talk about it. Daniel was capable of that.
“Fine. Have it your way,” Daniel acquiesced as they finally got to the elevator. When it opened, they found Teal’c already on board, and Daniel’s previous – and brief - serenity about the whole ridiculous situation snapped. “Hey Teal’c. Jack can knit.”
Daniel really had no idea what reaction he had expected, but it certainly wasn’t, “I am aware, Daniel Jackson.”
“Oh, fer cryin’ out loud….”
The side of Daniel’s mouth twitched a bit, facing forward into the reflective silver doors of the elevator. “Sounds like a confirmation to me, Jack.”
“All it confirms is that T here has a surprisingly active imagination,” Jack protested. “Who woulda thunk?”
“Who indeed?” Teal’c replied with a slight bow of the head that Daniel could just see out of the corner of his eye. Jack never had a chance to reply, however, as the doors opened once more and Sam climbed in, joining them for their ride to the surface for their previously scheduled team night.
They all exchanged light greetings as she climbed in and amazingly, Daniel even managed to hold his tongue until the doors slid shut again before blurting out once more, “Jack knits.”
Silence fell over the small space before Sam turned to Daniel, one eyebrow quirked. “Are you feeling quite all right, Daniel?” she inquired.
“He does! I saw him!” he insisted, feeling a bit like a tattle-telling six year old. He didn’t quite understand why he wanted it to be acknowledged quite so desperately – maybe he thought that if Jack was forced to admit it, then Daniel could stop feeling like he had somehow intruded on something sacred.
Obviously placating him, Sam reached out and patted Daniel’s shoulder. “If you say so.”
Jack, who had been lurking somewhere behind them, slipped between them as the doors opened and easily slung an arm around Sam’s shoulders as they began the walk into the parking lot. “Carter, your first drink tonight is totally on me.”
“The first, sir?”
If anything, his smirk spread a bit, verging on a real, full-blown smile. “First three?”
She grinned up at him. “That’s what I thought you said.”
Unreasonably frustrated over the whole incident and not really understanding why, Daniel followed them, glowering at them darkly. And if he hadn’t been scowling so emphatically at their backs, he might never have noticed Sam gazing at him as she slipped into her car.
He might’ve missed the subtle, but distinct wink she sent in his direction.
As usual, Daniel’s the last one to catch on. How typical.